We need to fix nitrogen
Our Dear Customers,
On a personal level, I’ve learned a lot about nitrogen as I’ve studied organic and non-organic farming. A few interesting facts are as follows:
· Nitrogen makes up 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere.
· Nitrogen is often overlooked in its impact on climate change.
· When nitrogen compounds become too abundant, pollution occurs.
This pollution excess comes from synthetic fertilisers, animal manure, slurry and burning fossil fuels.
But the cracker, which I only learned a few months ago, is
In cities, 25% of air pollution is from agricultural off gases, caught in the city smog.
It’s hardly surprising that studies are showing increasing cases of asthma and allergies. I’m seeing this in friends, family and kids. Are you?
Non-organic farming relies on chemical fertilisers that need to be re-applied throughout the growth phase to maintain their effects on the crops. They are often used alongside manure and slurry – a combination that means that the soil is receiving excess nitrogen.
Organic farming instead works to fix nitrogen into the soil – planting a rotation of clover, bean or pea crops that take nitrogen from the air into the plant where it then forms nodules on the roots that naturally add nitrogen to the soil.
Another sobering fact about nitrogen from non-organic farming is that
In England, 84% of rivers, lakes and seas have damage owing to nitrogen and phosphorus excess.
I love organic as an alternative because it honours the intelligent balance of nature with traditional farming methods to enhance biodiversity.
Some of you have asked, what can I do? I say, don’t change too many things, which can create stress. Pick one thing that interests you and that fits into your busy life, such as the following:
· Stop using chemical fertilisers in your garden.
· Plant nitrogen fixing friendly plants such as clover, peas and beans.
· Make compost with your food and garden waste for your plants.
· Make organic choices that have a positive impact on the planet.
Renée x