We will ensure that adequate resources are made available to help protect our staff, customers and visitors whether this be via the provision of hygiene equipment such as hand sanitising stations, signage and notices throughout the shops or personal protective equipment for use as necessary.
We commit to ensuring that all of our staff have received training in the control of COVID-19 and will undertake refresher training on a regular basis to ensure that our safety procedures are always at the highest of standards.
Planet Organic believe that the best resource is our team. We will ensure that they are consulted with regularly and where concerns are raised, we will listen to them and act accordingly. Where staff request measures over and above our own standards to help protect their welfare and that of others, we will endeavour to meet with those requests.
We will continually monitor our performance, whether by internal or third-party audit. Upon identifying any improvements necessary during any audit, we commit to ensuring that these are acted upon immediately and without hesitation. We will also strive to achieve certification to our safety consultants ‘COVID-19 Secure’ standard within all our shops.
We recognise that COVID-19 management is a continually evolving matter. We will monitor Government and other agency advice and implement their best practice recommendations should they differ from our own processes. We will continue to employ the services of a third-party safety consultancy, currently Food Alert, and will regularly liaise with them to ensure that they keep us up to date with all best practice measures.
This policy, our procedures and our risk assessments are under continual review and we will revise their content regularly should the need arise.

Peter Marsh, CEO
Planet Organic
As well as the commitments above, you can also view the risk assessments we've performed for the various areas of our business below:
COVID-19 Risk assessment - At Risk Groups
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Cleaning
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Click and Collect
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Customer Safety
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Customer Safety (Food to Go)
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Employee Safety
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Offices
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Physical Distancing
COVID-19 Risk assessment - PPE
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Deliveries
COVID-19 Risk assessment - Queue Management